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“Sport For Sustainable Societies: Values + Tools Together” is funded by Turkish National Agency!

Our project “Sport For Sustainable Societies: Values + Tools Together!” was created in order to share the knowledge, methodology and specific techniques of the youth organizations from European Program Countries and Partner Neighboring Countries respecting to their work in the field of sports and youth… Read More »“Sport For Sustainable Societies: Values + Tools Together” is funded by Turkish National Agency!

Active is Fun: INDEED!

During 5-12th of September 2021 in “Active is Fun” Youth Exchange funded in the scope of Erasmus+ Programme, we came together with 30 young people from 5 countries between 18-26 years old; we exchanged ideas and experiences on: 🔹 How we can apply more healthy… Read More »Active is Fun: INDEED!

Life After Sport Project Final Conference is held in Sofia/Bulgaria!

As a result of long-term cooperation between Champions Factory (BG), IKOS (TR), AJFS – Asociación de Jugadores de Fútbol Sala (ES), Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας / The University of Thessaly (GR), Mine Vaganti NGO (IT),Prva riječka hrvatska gimnazija (HR), the Final Conference of the Life After Sport… Read More »Life After Sport Project Final Conference is held in Sofia/Bulgaria!

3 Stage Dual Career Program Manual and Innovative Methodology is disseminated with Experiential Learning Trainers!

On 2nd of June 2021, an online event with the theme of “Experiential Learning in Sport” is organized in cooperation with Istanbul Culture and Sport Association and Experiential Training Center Association is realized to promote the good practices on the usage of learner-centered education programs.… Read More »3 Stage Dual Career Program Manual and Innovative Methodology is disseminated with Experiential Learning Trainers!

“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” project is funded by CFCU!

“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” is a 15-month project, financed by the Central Finance and Contracts Unit and implemented into the scope of Civil Society Support Program (CSSP) – III. The project is led by Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu (FEIO), with the partnership of Povod… Read More »“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” project is funded by CFCU!

We were in Grant Application Training!

Within the scope of the “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” project, we left behind a very productive Grant Application Training between 12-13-14 April 2021. We would like to thank a lot to all the organizers and experts for this productive and enjoyable training!