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Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Youth ON” within participation of 7 countries (Turkey, Lithuania, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Poland) was held in 14th-25th of August with 43 young participants in Kaunas, Lithuania.

As partner organization of this project, we’re happy to see uncountable numbers of smiles and usage of Non-Formal Education Methodologies in the sessions. By walking in the light of “multicultural learning”; our participants have taken place in various workshops such as “Common Understanding of Active Citizenship Term and how to promote it, Useful Skills for Active Citizens, How to design Street Activities, Country Realities and Council Simulation.”

Necati Berk Koç, one of the Turkish participants, described this experience as;

“This is Youth On! Youth On is youth exchange project which is completed in Kaunas,Lithuania at 14-26 August 2019. There was 7 countries from Turkey, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Poland and Greece. Totally 43 people were in there which is energic, active and positive. Project subject is Active Citizenship. Firstly we started with energizer and ice breaker games for being people more closer. After that we met and we knew each others more. Then we started workshops. We tried to being more active in city. We learnt how we can be more active citizenship. We created scenes about citizenship and we acted. This helped us for learn about citizenship. Workshops were very useful for us because we learnt too many things and also we had fun. In project also we did flashmobs. We tried to connect with other citizens of the world and our goal was activating everyone. We had fun with them, we dance with Lithuanian local music. Finally when the end of the projects we met with a lot of people, we learnt their cultures, we made connections and established very nice friendships.”

#erasmusplus #youthwork #activecitizenship #empowerment #youthexchange
