As IKOS, we’d like to congratulate Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu for successfully implementing Erasmus+ “Colours of European Culture Heritage” Youth Exchange in Poland between 12-20 October 2019. By this project, 35 people from 5 partner countries has taken part and encouraged to carry out their performances on European values and cultural heritage in the theme of “Active Participation”.
Project Objectives are;
– Raising the awareness of young people, including exchange participants and the local community, about European values, their significance and perception in different cultures
– Active participation and involvement of young people in activities related to the local community, with particular emphasis on people at risk of social exclusion and reduced opportunities due to economic, geographic and social barriers
– Educating and increasing competences related to personal development through active participation of young people in project activities
– The possibility of personal expression of each participant, due to the opportunities offered by the participation in the presented initiative.
#empowerment #youthwork #art #Erasmus+