On December 20, 2024, the cozy Doğal Dükkan Café in Kavacık, İstanbul, was buzzing with excitement as 24 university students and young people came together for the COOLTOUR Multiplier Event. Organized by IKOS and the Istanbul Medipol University Experiential Learning Club, the event celebrated the power of cultural heritage education through creativity, collaboration, and fun.
The event blended the Experiential Learning Club’s popular Game Night format with tools from the COOLTOUR Guidebook, making it a unique and engaging experience. Participants explored cultural diversity and shared meaningful connections through a series of dynamic activities from COOLTOUR Guidebook. We are happy to conduct such an event, which is not only introduced practical tools from the COOLTOUR Guidebook but also demonstrated how cultural heritage can inspire young people to connect, reflect, and innovate. It served as a platform for participants to explore new ideas and celebrate diversity in an informal and welcoming setting. You can reach to the COOLTOUR Guidebook in our Resources section to receive further theoretical inputs and practical tools and always submit a feedback for helping us to improve our work!COOLTOUR Multiplier Event Brings Cultural Heritage to Life of Young People
- by Emre Duman